- New Admission for session 2023-2024 is starting soon
Admission Procedure
Step 1 – Registration:
Birth Certificate. Aadhar Card and photographs of candidate with mother and father.
Step 2- Written entrance Test :
A written exam will be hold for LKG onwards students after registration.
Step 3 – Interview:
It will be art interaction with the student and parents or other guardians (who lives with the student) after qualifying the written test.
Step 4 – Admission: (Documents required)
Birth Certificate, Aadhar Card, Photograph for Nursery, LKG Class 1st. TC. Birth Certificate, Awlhar Card, Photograph for 2nd class & above
Age –
It should be 2 to 3 years for NUR on 3Ist march of the session
3 to years for LKG & 4 to 6 years for UKG
5 to 7 years for Class 1st and so on so forth!
Important Guidelines
(a) Admission will be taken on the basis of merit and availability of seats as well as the interest and availability of parents/guardians of the child will be specially counted in the selection for the admission.
(b) Lab printed passport size photograph to be affixed on the application form and the slip for interaction must be attached.
(c) Photo copy of the birth certificate, Transfer certificate and character certificate must be attached.
(d) Annual Report card must be submitted if not issued the photo state copy of half yearly exam shall solve the purpose.
(e) Parents/Guardians of the child with the above documents must meet the admission incharge at the time of interview.
School General Rules & Regulations
• Students must be regular and punctual in attendance .
• A minimum attendance of 85% of the working days will only qualify a student for promotion.
• Half day will not be permitted. So parents are advised not to come with such requests.
• Attendance is compulsory on National Days Teachers day, Children’s day, SKAN day, opening & closing days of the term, opening days after special Holidays and other days specially asked from the school. Absence on these above days will be punishable.
• In case of sickness it must be notified to the school authorities in written in time.
• Leave on medical ground must be supported by a certificate of medical practitioner.
• In this case the application must be forwarded at least on the second day of the leave. Repeated absence without leave application or unexplained absence for more than 6 days consecutively will render the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls. In this case The student will have to pay Rs. 500 as re-admission charges.
• Students are to maintain discipline and good behaviour.
• In student’s dress and behaviour keeps a sence of self respect.
• Rich behaviour is the expression of fine character and a good personality
• No Student is allowed to bring mobile phone, camera or any other electronic or valuable items to the school.